ONGC Recruitment 2022 free jobs alert for both fresher and experience Indian Citizens and Abroad Indians, who have qualified minimum 10+2, ITI, Diploma, Degree and Post Graduates. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) a “Maharatna” Public Sector Enterprise, and India’s flagship energy major engaged in Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas in India and abroad.
✅ ONGC Recruitment | Latest ONGC Jobs 2022 List:
Name of Post – No of Vacancies |
Last Date |
Details |
Senior Medical Officer, Executives - 17 |
08/11/2022 |
Executives (Finance & Marine) - 56 |
07/11/2022 |
Consultants in ONGC Assam Asset - 45 |
14/10/2022 |
Consultants - 21 |
08/10/2022 |
ONGC recruitment of GTs in Finance and Marine Disciplines: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is looking for promising, energetic and young candidates for recruitment of following Executive positions at E1 Level. The last date for submission of applications is 7th November 2022.
Advertisement No. 8/2022 (R&P)
Name of Post |
No of Vacancy |
Finance and Accounts Officer |
01 |
F&A Officer (Secretariat Executive) |
01 |
Marine Officer |
01 |
✅ ONGC Recruitment Age Limit:
✔️ 30 years for Unreserved.
✔️ 33 years for OBC (NCL).
✔️ 35 years for SC / ST.
✔️ 35 years for Ex-servicemen.
✔️ 40 years for PwBD.
✅ ONGC Recruitment Salary:
✔️ E-1: ₹ 60,000 – 1,80,000/-
✅ ONGC Recruitment Eligibility Criteria:
✔️ F&A Officer: Degree with ICWA / CA or MBA with specialization in Finance with minimum 60% marks or PGDM . MBA with minimum 60% marks.
✔️ F&A Officer (Secretariat Executive): Should have passed the final examination of the ICSI.
✔️ Marine Officer: Ministry of Transport's Certificate of Competency of Master Foreign Goining.
✅ ONGC Recruitment Selection Process:
✔️ Computer Based Test (CBT) (60 Marks)
✔️ Qualification (25 Marks)
✔️ Interview (15 Marks)
✅ How to Apply ONGC Recruitment?
➢ Eligible candidates should apply online through ONGC online application portal (
➢ The candidates are required to enter Personal Details, and Contact details.
➢ The last date for registration of online applications is 08/11/2022.
ONGC Recruitment of Specialist Doctors and Experienced Executives: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is looking for experienced Medical Doctors, ACMO (Hospital Administration), Chief Engineer (Marine) and Port Captain. The last date for registration of online applications is 8th November 2022.
Advertisement No. 5/2022 (R&P)
Name of Post |
No of Vacancy |
Senior Medical Officer (Ophthalmology) |
01 |
Senior Medical Officer (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) |
01 |
Senior Medical Officer (Anaesthesia) |
01 |
Senior Medical Officer (Physician) |
03 |
Senior Medical Officer (Dermatology) |
02 |
Senior Medical Officer (Chest Physician) |
02 |
Assistant Chief Medical Officer (Hospital Administration) |
01 |
Chief Engineer (Marine) |
03 |
Port Captain |
03 |
✅ ONGC Recruitment Age Limit:
✔️ 44 years for ACMO.
✔️ 34 years for Specialist Doctors.
✅ ONGC Recruitment Salary:
✔️ E-2: ₹ 70,000 - 2,00,000/-
✔️ E-4: ₹ 90,000 - 2,40,000/-
✅ ONGC Recruitment Eligibility Criteria:
✔️ Assistant Chief Medical Officer (Hospital Administration): MBBS with Post Graduate degree in Master of Hospital Administration (MHA) of minimum two years duration from a Govt. Recognized college / University after MBBS.
✔ Specialist Doctors: MD/MS/DNB/PG Diploma in required specialization.
✔️ Chief Engineer (Marine): Ministry of Transport’s First Class or Second Class Motor Certificate of Proficiency or equivalent qualification in Indian Navy. Minimum 01 year experience as Second Engineer or equivalent Experience in Indian Navy.
✔️ Port Captain: Ministry of Transport Foreign Going Master’s Certificate or equivalent qualification in Indian Navy. 5 years’ experience as Chief Officer on a Foreign Going Vessel. Should be conversant with Customs, Ports, MMD Rule and Regulations or equivalent Experience in Indian Navy.
✅ ONGC Recruitment Selection Process: Interview.
✅ How to Apply ONGC Recruitment?
➢ Eligible candidates should apply online through ONGC India official website.
➢ The candidates are required to enter all basic details (ID Card, Mobile Number, Qualification & Experience).
➢ The last date for registration of online applications is 08/11/2022.
ONGC Assam Asset Recruitment 2022: ONGC Assam Asset invites application from qualified & experienced retired ONGC personnel from Production, Electrical, Mechanical and instrumentation disciplines to appear for Junior Consultants, Associate Consultants and Consultants for posting in installations of Assam Asset for field duty in production, operation & maintenance in shifts on contractual basis initially for a period of one year.
Advertisement No. ASSAM /ST / CONSLT-2022-23
Name of Post |
No of Vacancies |
Junior Consultant |
37 |
Associate Consultant |
07 |
Consultant |
01 |
✅ ONGC Recruitment Age Limit: Up to 65 years as on closing date.
✅ ONGC Recruitment Salary:
✔️ Junior Consultant: Total remuneration ₹ 40,000/- pm. (inclusive of all) + ₹ 2000/- (Maximum) reimbursement for Communication facilities.
✔️ Associate Consultant: Total remuneration ₹ 66,000/- pm. (inclusive of all) + ₹ 2000/- (Maximum) reimbursement for Communication facilities.
✔️ Consultant: Total remuneration ₹ 93,000/- pm. (inclusive of all) + ₹ 5000/- (Maximum) reimbursement for Communication facilities.
✅ ONGC Recruitment Eligibility Criteria: Retired ONGC persons at E1 to E6 level with at least 5 years of field experience.
✅ ONGC Recruitment Selection Process: Interview.
✅ How to Apply ONGC Recruitment?
➢ Application in the prescribed format may be sent to the following emails/address:;
➢ Eligible candidate(s) can also submit the application in person in o/o FEG - EQ, Surface Team at Room no. 110, ROB-1, Assam Asset, before closing date of
➢ The Last date of receipt of application is 14/10/2022 at 16:30 hrs.
ONGC Ahmedabad Asset invites applications from qualified & experienced personnel retired from ONGC for recruitment of Junior Consultant and Associate Consultant on contractual basis for a period of one year. The last date for receipt of applications is 8th October 2022.
Name of Post |
No of Vacancy |
Junior Consultant |
07 |
Associate Consultant |
14 |
✅ ONGC Recruitment Age Limit: Less than 65 years of age at the time of engagement.
✅ ONGC Recruitment Salary:
✔️ For Junior Consultant (E1 to E3): Total remuneration ₹40,000/- pm. (inclusive of all) + ₹ 2000/- (Maximum) for Communication facilities against the submission of
✔️ For Associate Consultant (E4 to E5): Total remuneration ₹ 66,000/- pm. (inclusive of all) + ₹ 2000/- (Maximum)
✅ ONGC Recruitment Eligibility Criteria: Retired ONGC executives with in line experience in respective operations and with relevant qualification.
✅ ONGC Recruitment Selection Process:
✔️ Written Test
✔️ Interaction / Interview
✅ How to Apply ONGC Recruitment?
➢ Scanned copy of application in prescribed application format along with the required documents may be sent to well services department through the following email/address: AMDWSPC@ONGC.CO.IN.
➢ Eligible candidate(s) can also submit in person in Contract Cell, Room No-131B, 1st floor, Avani Bhavan Ahmedabad Asset.
➢ The last date for receipt of application is 08/10/2022.
ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited), AAFB Exploratory Asset, Srikona, Silchar invites qualified and experienced retired officials for engagement as Ex-talati/ Mamlatdar or Kanungo or equivalent to these posts/rank in ONGC on contract basis for 4 years. The Walk in Interview scheduled to be held on 7th September 2022.
Name of the Post |
No of Vacancy |
Ex-Talati/ Mamlatdar or Kanungo or equivalent to these posts/rank |
01 |
✅ ONGC Recruitment Age Limit: Up to 68 years.
✅ ONGC Recruitment Salary: Total monthly consolidated remuneration of ₹ 45,000/-
✅ ONGC Recruitment Eligibility Criteria:
✔️ Should necessarily possess minimum five years work experience as Talati/ Mamlatdar or Kanungo or equivalent to these posts/ranks in Government of Assam.
✅ ONGC Recruitment Selection Process: Walk in Interview
✔️ Date of walk-in interview: 07/09/2022
✔️ Venue: ONGC, Srikona
✔️ Reporting time: 11:00 am.
Interested candidates should bring original certificates/ proof of employment as Talati/ Mamlatdar or Kanungo or equivalent to these post/ rank, two recent passport size photos and self- attested two sets of photocopies of certificates.
ONGC Ahmedabad Asset invites applications from qualified & experienced retired ONGC personnel from Production and Electrical disciplines to appear for Junior Consultants and Associate Consultants for Surface Team and Engineering Services on 01 year contractual basis. The last date for submission of applications is 30th March 2022.
Advertisement No.: AMD-1/2022
Name of the Post |
Total Vacancies |
Junior Consultant |
14 |
Associate Consultant |
22 |
✅ Discipline wise Vacancies:
✔️ Surface Team (Production) - 27
✔️ Surface Team (Electrical) - 08
✔️ Engineering Services (Electrical) - 01
✅ Age Limit:
✔️ Less than 65 years at the time of engagement.
✅ Consolidated Salary:
✔️ Associate Consultant: ₹ 66000.00 (inclusive of all) + ₹ 2000.00 (maximum) communication facilities against submission of invoice.
✔️ Junior Consultant: ₹ 40000.00 (inclusive of all) + ₹ 2000.00 (maximum) communication facilities against submission of invoice.
✅ Eligibility: Retired ONGC Executives.
✅ Selection Process: Shortlisted candidates will be called for
✔️ Written Test
✔️ Interview.
✅ How to Apply: Eligible interested candidates are required to send the scanned copy of Application duly signed in the prescribed format to the email address: BHARGAVA_VIKAS@ONGC.CO.IN as non-editable file on or before 30/03/2022.
✅ Help Desk: For Further clarification may contact SHRI VIKAS BHARGAVA, GM, (P), 9428330335.
ONGC Mehsana Asset, Mehsana invites qualified and experienced retired revenue officials for walk in interview for engagement as Junior Consultant in ONGC on contract basis for a maximum of 04 Years. The Walk in Interview scheduled to be held on 4th March 2022.
Name of the Post |
No of Vacancies |
Junior Consultant |
04 |
✅ Upper Age Limit:
✔️ 68 years as on date of Interview.
✅ Monthly Remuneration: Monthly Honorarium : ₹ 27,000.00, Conveyance Reimbursement : ₹ 6500.00 pm, Reimbursement for Office at Residence: ₹ 6500.00 pm, Total Compensation: ₹ 40,000.00 pm plus Reimbursement for Communication facility: ₹ 2000.00 pm/ As per the instruction on subject issued from time to time by CA.
✅ Educational Qualification:
✔️ Retired Mamlatdar, Retired Deputy Mamlatdar, Retired Talati.
✔️ Qualification: Minimum Graduate.
✔️ Experience: Minimum 03 years of experience in land acquisition related jobs.
✅ Selection Process: Walk in Interview selection on 04/03/2022.
✅ How to Apply: Interested retired Mamlatdar/ retired Deputy Mamlatdar/ retired Talati from State of Gujarat may report for a Walk-in-interview between 10:30 Hrs to 11:00 Hrs on 04th March 2022 (Tuesday) at ONGC Guest House, ONGC Nagar, Palavasana, Mehsana.
Eligible candidates should bring all original educational certificates, experience certificates, service discharge certificate etc. and all original certificates with self-attested two set of photocopy of related certificates, two recent passport size photos and an application duly typed in A-4 size paper using the application format.
ONGC Recruitment 2022: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), Dehradun invites applications from eligible professionals for recruitment of Deputy General Manager (Logistics) - Aviation Safety. The last date for submitting applications is 2nd March 2022.
Name of the Post |
No of Vacancy |
DGM (Logistics) |
01 (UR) |
✅ Upper Age Limit:
✔️ Minimum 45 years and Maximum 50 years as on last date of submission of application.
✅ Pay Scale: E-5 ₹ 1,00,000 - 2,60,000/-
✅ Educational Qualification:
✔️ Qualified Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) having basic AME License,
preferably Helicopter, endorsed to cover (a) Heavy Air frame and Jet engines OR
(b) Electrical Systems, Instrument System, Radio and Navigation systems,
with at least 10 years of experience at senior level.
✔️ Preference will be given to the candidates having additional flying experience.
✅ Selection Process: The selection criteria will be as follows:-
✔️ Qualification (30 Marks)
✔️ Experience (40 Marks)
✔️ Interview (30 Marks)
✅ How to Apply: Eligible Candidates need to visit register on online application through ONGC Registration web link. The registration site
shall remain open from 01/02/2022 to 02/03/2022. The Candidates need to e-mail the required documents in pdf format (mentioning their name and name of
document) to email id – after completing registration.
from Indian Government Jobs - Today Employment News
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