

Monday, October 28, 2019

NABARD Recruitment 2019 Apply Online (03 Driver Vacancies)

NABARD Jobs 2019-20: NABARD Bank offers Great Career Opportunity for both Fresher and Experienced Degree holders, Engineers, ITI, Diploma an... thumbnail 1 summary

NABARD Jobs 2019-20: NABARD Bank offers Great Career Opportunity for both Fresher and Experienced Degree holders, Engineers, ITI, Diploma and 10th 12th Passed candidates. updated all NABARD Vacancies and Latest NABARD Job Notifications in this page. The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), an all India Apex Organization, wholly owned by Government of India.

NABARD invites online applications from eligible Indian citizens having necessary qualification for appointment of Driver for filling up 03 vacancies. The online registration process will be open from 26th October 2019 to 4th November 2019.

NABARD Recruitment of Driver in Group ‘C’ Service – 2019-2020

Name of Post

No of Vacancies

Age Limit




21 – 35 years

Approx. ₹ 24,000/- per month

Pay Scale: Selected candidates will draw a starting basic pay of ₹ 10940/-p.m. in the scale of ₹ 10940- 380(4)- 12460- 440(3)- 13780- 520(3)- 15340- 690(2)- 16720- 860(4)- 20160- 1180(3)- 23700 applicable to Drivers in Group C and they will be eligible for Dearness Allowance, Local Compensatory Allowance, House Rent Allowance, and Grade Allowance as per rules in force from time to time. At present, initial monthly gross emoluments are approximately ₹ 24000/-.

Educational Qualification:

(1) Minimum VII (7th) Standard Pass. Matric candidates can also apply, Maximum Under Graduate (Degree) Qualification.
(2) Candidate should possess a valid Driving license for LMV.
(3) Candidate should have experience of driving not less than 03years with good driving record and should be able to attend minor repairs.

Selection Process: Online Test and Skill Test.

How to Apply: Eligible applicants are required to apply online through NBARD Online Registration portal. The closing date for registration of online application is 04/11/2019.

Important Dates:

Opening date for Online Registration of Application –> 26th October 2019
Closing date for submission of Online Application -> 4th November 2019
Closure for editing application details -> 4th November 2019
Last date for printing your application -> 19th November 2019
Online Fee Payment -> 26/10/2019 to 04/11/2019.

Detailed Notification >> Online Application >>

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for one post of Bank’s Medical Officer(BMO) on contract basis. The last date for receipt of applications is 15th October 2019.

Name of Post

No of Vacancy

Banks Medical Officer (BMO)


Age Limit: The applicant should not be more than 55 years of age as on the date of advertisement

Remuneration: ₹ 750/- per hour for the period of contractual service. Out of total monthly remuneration so payable, a sum of ₹ 1000/- per month may be treated as conveyance expense. The facility of mobile charges @ ₹ 1000/- per month would be available on reimbursement basis.


(1) Applicant should possess MBBS degree in the allopathic system of medicine of any university recognized by the Medical Council of India.
(2) Candidates having post graduate degree in General medicine can also apply.
(3) The applicant should have a minimum of 02 years’ experience in any hospital or clinic as a Medical Practitioner.
(4) The applicants should have their own dispensary or place of residence within a radius of 5 kms from the Bank’s dispensary at the aforementioned location.

Interested candidates apply in the prescribed application format. The application should reach the Chief General Manager, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, office premises at 3, Nehru Place, Tonk Road,Jaipur -302015 on or before 15/10/2019.

Notice and Application Form >>

NABARD Development Assistant Recruitment 2019 Apply Online: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has published indicative Notification Advertisement in leading News paper for Group B recruitment posts of Development Assistant and Development Assistant (Hindi). The Online Registration will be open from 14th September to 2nd October 2019.

NABARD Development Assistant Notification 2019

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies

Development Assistant


Development Assistant (Hindi)


Regional Office wise Vacancies:

Development Assistant –> Andhra Pradesh - 02, Arunachal Pradesh - 01, BIhar - 02, Chhattisgarh - 05, Gujarat - 04, Haryana - 04, Himachal Pradesh - 02, Jammu and Kashmir - 03, Jharkhand - 04, Karnataka - 02, Kerala - 01, Madhya Pradesh - 05, Maharashtra - 20, Manipur - 01, Meghalaya - 01, New Delhi - 01, Odisha - 04, Punjab - 02, Rajasthan - 02, Sikkim - 01, Tamil Nadu - 02, Telangana - 03, Uttar Pradesh - 04, Uttrakhand - 06.

Development Assistant –> Bihar - 01, Gujarat - 01, Maharashtra - 03, Tamil Nadu - 01, Uttar Pradesh - 01, West Bengal – 01.

Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and Maximum 35 years as on 1st September 2019. Candidates born not earlier than 02-09-1984and not later than 01-09-2001(both days inclusive) are eligible to apply.

Consolidated Salary: ₹ 32,000/- per month

Educational Qualifications:

Development Assistant -> Bachelor's Degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks (pass class for SC/ST/PWBD and Ex-Servicemen candidates) in aggregate or possess equivalent qualification from a recognised University / Institution incorporated by an Act of Central or State Legislature in India or any other Educational Institution established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as University under Section-3 of UGC Act, 1956.

Development Assistant (Hindi) -> Bachelor's Degree from a recognised University in English/Hindi medium with Hindi and English as a compulsory or elective subject with a minimum of 50% marks (pass marks for SC/ST/PWBD/EXS candidates) in the aggregate OR Bachelor's Degree with Hindi and English as main subjects with a minimum of 50% marks (pass marks for SC/ST/PWBD/EXS candidates) in the aggregate Candidate must be able to translate from English to Hindi and vice-versa.

Selection Process: Preliminary Examination (Online) and Main Examination (Online).

Application Fee: ₹ 450/- (Application Fee + Intimation charges) for General and OBC; ₹ 50/- only for SC / ST / PWBD / EXS.

How to Apply: Eligible Interested candidates apply online through NABARD official website from 14th September 2019. The last date for registration of online application is 02/10/2019.

Important Dates:

Closure of registration of application -> 02/10/2019
Closure for editing application details -> 02/10/2019
Last date for printing your application -> 17/10/2019
Online Fee Payment -> 14/09/2019 to 02/10/2019.

Latest Banking Jobs 2019-20 >>

NABARD Officers Recruitment 2019 indicative notification was on released on 6th May 2019. The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) Mumbai invites online applications from Indian Nationals for appointment of Manager and Assistant Managers in Grade 'A' & 'B' positions. The NABARD Officers 2019 online registration process will be start from 10th May 2019. The last date for registration of online applications is 26th May 2019.

Direct Recruitment in Officers in Grade ‘A’ and ‘B’ – 2019

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies

Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ (Rural Development Banking Service)


Manager in Grade ‘B’ (Rural Development Banking Service)


Age Limit (As on 01/05/2019):

Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ ->

21 to 30 years

Manager in Grade ‘B’ –>

21 to 35 years

Educational Qualifications:

Assistant Manager –> Bachelor’s Degree in concerned subject with a minimum of 50% marks (SC/ST/PWBD applicants - 45%) in aggregate or Post Graduate degree with a minimum of 50% marks(SC/ST/PWBD applicants-45%) in aggregate or Ph.D.
Manager –> Bachelor’s Degree in any subject from any recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks (SC/ST/PWBD applicants 55%) in aggregate or Post Graduate degree with a minimum of 55% marks (SC/ST/PWBDapplicants50%) in aggregate from a recognized university or Ph.D.

Selection Process: Preliminary Examination (Online), Main Examination and Interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates are requested to apply only online through NABARD IBPS Online portal. The last date for registration of online applications is 26/05/2019.

Important Dates:

Opening date for Online Application Registration -> 10/05/2019
Closing date for submission of Online Application -> 26/05/2019
Online Application Fee scheduled on -> From 10th to 26th May 2019
Tentative date of Preliminary Online Exam -> 16/06/2019.

from Indian Government Jobs - Today Employment News

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